The Music Works


Drum Lesson Info

Students can learn the basics pretty quick on Drums, and some will be playing a beat within the first lesson. Mastering the drums however, takes some time but is completely worth the effort! See how far you can go in your free Drum lesson by signing up now.
Drum lessons with The Music Works vary on price, depending on which location you join us at. If you are looking for lessons in school during the school day for your child, we keep the price very low to make sure we can help as many students as possible with their musical journey. Get in touch to find out more. Or better yet, try a free Drum lesson to see if we’re the right fit for you!

We offer Drum lessons at:
• Our music centres in Milford and Haslemere in Surrey, UK. Open after school from 3.30pm Monday to Friday
and Saturday (Milford only) 9am-3pm.
• In many Local Partner Schools during the school day.
Sign up for a free Drum lesson today at your preferred location!

The simple answer is, every student is different. We begin our group Drum lessons when students are 7 years old, but we always leave it to the teacher’s discretion to suggest whether your child is ready for lessons. Some students can start younger with private lessons. Join us for a free Drum lesson and get started today!

Guitar Lesson Info

Guitar lessons with The Music Works vary on price, depending on which location you join us at. If you are looking for lessons in school during the school day for your child, we keep the price very low to make sure we can help as many students as possible with their musical journey Get in touch to find out more. Or better yet, try a free Guitar lesson to see if we’re the right fit for you!
Guitar is a great instrument to learn, and the fastest way to reach your goals is by having a professional guide you along the path. Yes, Youtube videos are wonderful, and there is a huge depth of what is available online, but if you don’t know how to navigate the path you’re most likely to get lost along the way. Our teachers will help you achieve your goals quicker! Every student learns at their own pace. Some students can learn some four chord songs in a few lessons and for others it can take a bit longer. The main thing is you start, and try, try & try again! A great mentor and consistent practice will get you where you want to be. Get started today with a first free Guitar lesson.
When it comes to what age we should start Guitar lessons, there is no clear answer as every student is different. We recommend 7 years old to begin our group Guitar lessons, but some students may be able to start earlier with private lessons. Best option is to book a free Guitar lesson with us and get an experts opinion!
We offer Guitar lessons at:
• Our music centres in Milford and Haslemere in Surrey, UK. Open after school from 3.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday (Milford only) 9am-3pm.
• In many Local Partner Schools during the school day.
Sign up for a free Guitar lesson today at your preferred location!

Keyboard Lesson Info

Although there is an incredible amount of information available on the internet on learning instruments like the Keyboard, the single best way to learn how to play Keyboard is by learning from a teacher. A professional teacher will help you avoid common issues and pitfalls, while helping you achieve your goals quicker than you would without them. Students will start with basic lessons and progressively build to more difficult concepts in their lessons, but we will always help you get there with gentle and steady progression. Try a free first Keyboard lesson today to see what you can learn!
Keyboard lessons with The Music Works vary on price, depending on which location you join us at. If you are looking for lessons in school during the school day for your child, we keep the price very low to make sure we can help as many students as possible with their musical journey.

Get in touch to find out more. Or better yet, try a free Keyboard lesson to see if we’re the right fit for you!

A first keyboard does not need to be anything fancy and many of the big Keyboard manufacturers sell beginner packs that cost £50-100. When you begin, you can start with a small keyboard rather than going for a full scale 88-key option. A great place to start is by looking on second hand websites, such as Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree and eBay.
There is never a simple answer to this question! As every student is different, some may be able to start younger than others with a good teacher and private lessons. However, as standard we recommend 7 years old to begin our group Keyboard lessons.

If you’re looking to start younger, we can offer 4.5-6.5 year olds a space on Yamaha’s flagship class, Junior Music Course. Piano is also a possible solution for private lessons for younger students, however it is at the discretion of the teacher whether they feel the student is ready for lessons.

Best option is to book a free taster lesson with us and get an experts opinion!
In the beginning Keyboard lessons are pretty straight forward for most students, as a teacher will separate the parts for the left and right hands. Add to this how visual a keyboard is, with clear and repeating patterns, and you have a recipe for success!

Keyboard will get progressively harder to learn (the same as all instruments!) but as long as you have a great teacher guiding you along the path, you will reach you destination. See how far you can go in your free first Keyboard lesson!

Piano and Keyboard lessons are not exactly the same, but are very similar! Piano is an acoustic instrument, whereas Keyboard is a digital representation of a piano. Keyboards have become very popular over the years due to being much cheaper to buy and being much lighter in weight, making them much easier to store. As keyboards are digital they can also mimic the sounds of other instruments, such as brass, strings and organs.


Budget/beginner Keyboards tend to have non-weighted keys and will not be the best fit for playing classical music, due to the lack expression possible with dynamics in the music. Piano naturally have full-weighted keys, easily allowing this expression on the instrument. There is a middle ground with more expensive Keyboard or Digital Pianos, which allow for expression with dynamics and added sounds available.


We use Keyboards for our group lessons and can use either Piano or Keyboard for private lessons. Try a free first lesson today to see which you prefer!

We offer Keyboard lessons at:

  • Our music centres in Milford and Haslemere in Surrey, UK. Open after school from 3.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday (Milford only) 9am-3pm.

  • In many Local Partner Schools during the school day.


Sign up for a free Keyboard lesson today at your preferred location!

Ukulele Lesson Info

Ukulele is a fantastic gateway instrument for both young and older students! So good in fact, that we wrote our own beginner syllabus to make sure students get the best possible start in their musical journey.


Is Ukulele ‘Easy’ to learn? That is subjective unfortunately, as every student learns at their own pace. There is however, no better instrument to start with for smaller hands!


See if Ukulele is your perfect instrument by joining us for a free, no obligation first Ukulele lesson.

We offer Ukulele lessons at: Our music centres in Milford and Haslemere in Surrey, UK. Open after school from 3.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday (Milford only) 9am-3pm. In many Local Partner Schools during the school day. Sign up for a free Ukulele lesson today at your preferred location!
Ukulele lessons with The Music Works vary on price, depending on which location you join us at. If you are looking for lessons in school during the school day for your child, we keep the price very low to make sure we can help as many students as possible with their musical journey. Get in touch to find out more. Or better yet, try a free Ukulele lesson to see if we’re the right fit for you!
Ukulele is a fantastic starter instrument! Students can join us for group lessons as young as 5 years old, as long as they are ready for fun lessons. As we always say, students learn at their own pace and the best starting age is also different for every student. Your teacher will be able to give you feedback on this after you have tried your first free Ukulele lesson!
Ukulele is a great starter instrument due to how cost effective it is to start with. You can get a Ukulele for very cheap, although sometimes they can be more like a toy than an instrument. We opt for Octopus Ukuleles in our lessons and sell the exact same version on our online store.

Singing Lesson Info

Singing lessons with The Music Works vary on price, depending on which location you join us at. Get in touch to find out more. Or better yet, try a free Singing lesson to see if we’re the right fit for you!

Sometimes there is a misconception that singing lessons are expensive, but we can tell you 100% that it’s a worthwhile expense when you factor these points in:

  • Singing Teachers are professional singers, with years of experience. Their knowledge of technique and looking after your voice will pay in dividends long term.
  • The physical and health benefits of singing are well studied. With consistent lessons and practice, you are helping with your health.
  • Singing lessons can help with confidence, which in turn can help emotional regulation and social development.

Singing lessons help anyone, from complete beginners to music professionals, to learn the techniques required to keep the voice in good shape. They are essential for complete beginners and anyone wishing to have a career as a singer, as they highlight the correct techniques to prevent the singer from picking up bad habits that could result in injury.


Do singing lessons really work? Or can they help a bad singer? Absolutely! Most of the time, people who struggle to sing have some kind of block, whether that be physical or mental.

We offer Singing lessons at:

  • Our music centres in Milford and Haslemere in Surrey, UK. Open after school from 3.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday (Milford only) 9am-3pm.

  • In many Local Partner Schools during the school day.


Sign up for a free Singing lesson today at your preferred location!

You can start singing from 7 years old and up to get the most out of your voice. Children can of course sing under the age of 7, but structured lessons are not the most effective way of encouraging this. Keep it light and fun until they are ready for lessons!


Yamaha’s flagship Junior Music Course includes gentle singing as well as piano, and is a great option for children aged 4.5-6.5 years old.

Piano Lesson Info

Piano lessons with The Music Works vary on price, depending on which location you join us at. We typically suggest 7 years old is a good age to begin private lessons, but this can be younger for a student who is ready.


We do have a great class for 4.5-6.5 year old students, Yamaha’s flagship Junior Music Course. We usually have a waiting list so make sure to sign your child up ASAP to claim a space when we are starting new classes!


Get in touch to find out more. Or better yet, try a free Piano lesson to see if we’re the right fit for you!

As with all instruments, this question is like ‘how long is a bit of string?’, as every student is different. We recommend that your child joins our flagship class – the Yamaha Junior Music Course. Students can join this course between 4.5-6.5 years old, but can continue on for many years. The standard of musician this course produces is excellent, and from experience roughly half of the students develop perfect pitch. That is exceptional!


Older students can also take private Piano lessons with us, or if you prefer group lessons you can learn similar skills in group Keyboard.


You can book a free lesson with your preference!

Piano is a traditional instrument to learn for a reason, it’s effective and sounds beautiful! Weekly lessons with a professional music teacher is hands-down the best way to learn Piano, where you can progress to your goals in a structured path.


As every student learns at their own pace, it’s difficult to say that every student can be a pro in a certain number of lessons. Learning Piano is a journey and shouldn’t be rushed, but rather, enjoyed!


Studies consistently show that learning an instrument such as Piano can bring positive results to both physical and mental health. Get started today with a first free Piano lesson!

We offer Piano lessons at:

  • Our music centres in Milford and Haslemere in Surrey, UK. Open after school from 3.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday (Milford only) 9am-3pm.


Sign up for a free Piano lesson today at your preferred location!

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